Friday, February 4, 2011

Branding + Bar Codes

I know you all are handing in your typologies assignment today, so this is purely for your enjoyment. I came across a cool project that might be of interest to the branding and bar codes groups (and everyone else, too!).

A graphic design firm took a look at cigarette packaging and explored how un-branding them and instead introducing barcodes could make them look less appealing.

The article goes into detail about the thinking behind it, so you can read it if your interested. They talk about this in the article, but the part I find fascinating is that after this very intentional exercise to make cigarettes less appealing, the packages still actually look really cool.

Sidenote: Build, the graphic design firm behind this, has some pretty interesting work. They're from the UK. I had heard of them before because they designed the awesome logo for the documentary "Objectified." (!)

-- Kristin.

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